Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
TORONTO — If you’re going out trick-or-treating … stay close to home.
That’s the “critical” advice from Ontario’s chief medical officer of health.
Dr. David Williams issued the following statement this morning detailing public health advice for Halloween this year:
“As Ontarians begin to prepare for Halloween this year, I’d like to remind everyone to take extra precautions to ensure you are keeping yourself and your families safe.”
“It is also critical that families not travel outside of their neighbourhood to celebrate Halloween.
“The severity of this second wave is in our hands.”
He added that given the high transmission of COVID-19 in the modified Stage 2 public health unit regions of Ottawa, Peel, Toronto and York Region, traditional door-to-door trick or treating is not recommended and people should consider alternative ways to celebrate. See those below.
Muskoka is not included in those four areas, so shelling out is OK here during the pandemic this year.
And he recommends you also check with your local municipality or public health unit for any additional advice or restrictions that may be in place.
He said to have a safe and happy Halloween, Ontarians should follow some simple steps:
- Avoid gatherings with people outside of your household;
- Stay home if you are feeling ill, even if you have mild symptoms, or if you are at higher risk for serious illness from COVID-19;
- If you live outside the modified Stage 2 public health unit regions and are going to go out to trick or treat:
- Only go out with members of your household;
- Only trick or treat outside;
- Both trick-or-treaters and people handing out candy should wear a face covering. A costume mask is not a substitute for a face covering and should not be worn over a face covering as it may make it difficult to breathe;
- Do not congregate or linger at doorsteps and remember to line up two metres apart if waiting. Avoid high-touch surfaces and objects;
- Whether collecting or handing out treats, wash your hands often and thoroughly, or use hand sanitizer; and
- Do not leave treats in a bucket or bowl for children to grab and consider using tongs or other similar tools to hand out treats.
In Toronto, York, Peel and Ottawa, Williams says celebrations can include, but are not limited to:
- Encouraging kids to dress up and participate in virtual activities and parties;
- Organizing a Halloween candy hunt with people living in their own household;
- Carving pumpkins;
- Having a movie night or sharing scary stories; and
- Decorating front lawns.
And to everyone in Ontario, Williams says: “I would also like to remind everyone that we are in a second wave of COVID-19. There have been increases in cases in many areas across the province, and the percentage of people tested who get a positive result is going up.
“Through our collective efforts, we can change the outcome of this new outbreak. That is why it remains critical to continue following these important actions every day in order to protect your health and stop the spread of COVID-19.”
He recommends people:
Limit trips outside of home, except for essential purposes such as work where it is not possible to work from home, school, grocery shopping, medical appointments, and outdoor healthy physical activity;
Stay home if you feel ill or have symptoms even if they are mild;
Maintain physical distancing of at least two metres with those outside your household;
Wear a face covering indoors in workplaces, businesses and facilities, and wear one outdoors if physical distancing cannot be maintained or if wearing one is required;
Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly;
Follow social gathering and organized public event limits;
Download the COVID Alert mobile app;
If you are concerned you were exposed to COVID-19 or have symptoms, take the online COVID-19 self-assessment; and
Get tested if you have symptoms compatible with COVID-19, or if you have been advised of exposure by your local public health unit or through COVID Alert. Visit Ontario.ca/covidtest to find the nearest testing location.
If you live within a public health unit region in Stage 3, consider printing one of these posters as a tool to help let your neighbours know whether you are handing out treats.
Visit Ontario’s website to learn more about how the province continues to protect the people of Ontario from COVID-19.

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