HUNTSVILLE — Officials here could be in for a fight over a proposed bylaw prohibiting weapons use in Huntsville and its hamlet communities like Port Sydney and Utterson.
Residents in north Muskoka are notorious for resisting firearms use particularly by hunters.
It would prevent weapons use on public lands and within 100 metres of any of eight lakes within the town.
Exemptions include use by police, bylaw and other peace officers, hunters, personal protection of persons, property and livestock in emergencies, licensed club use, events sanctioned by credited authority, blank discharges and ceremonial use among others.
Officials want public comment on a draft discharge of firearms bylaw.
To review the draft bylaw, see here.
And to provide feedback see here.
Or go to the town’s website at
They say the Municipal Act allows them for the purpose of public safety to prohibit or regulate the discharge of guns or other firearms, air-guns, spring-guns, cross bows, long bows or any other weapon.
Comments will be collected until 4 p.m. Friday Sept. 4, which will part of the report going to the general committee and council.