Mark Clairmont |
GRAVENHURST — Maggie Muir’s doctor told her not to run after her hip operation.
But that was a decade ago.
So after playing ball in Bracebridge for 15 years, when her daughter invited her to play again this year she became a walk-on with the KJ’s Muskoka team in the Gravenhurst Ladies’ 3-Pitch League.
A lively seven-team group of about 100 — if you include the men who back them up in the dugout and the stands every Monday and second Wednesday nights at Gull Lake Rotary Park.
Where sportsmanship wins out over victory.

While it’s a fun league — they’re damn serious about their game in which teams pitch thrice to themselves.
Taking in a game last Wednesday between KJ’s and Vertex, it was a bit like watching the Harlem Globetrotters with lots of scoring, humour and relatively great plays.
Muir is no Vlad Jr.; but she’s also no slouch when it comes to hitting or getting on base. She takes a lot of “walks” and gets a pinch-runner once there in a bid to make it the rest of the way home.
She’s the matriarch of the expanded league run by Laura Hoffman-Steiger, who follows in the base paths of her dad Wes Hoffman a local sports convenor, and has took to blowing a Fox 40 pea-less whistle to be heard above the chatter.
“Guess how old I am?” Muir challenges. “Don’t be confused by my hair — white doesn’t mean grey.
“Sixty-six,” she beams.
You’d never know it.
But then you’d never know all these players are as good or better than her.
Muir stays behind safely behind the plate catching so all she has to do when fielding is throw — and not run.
For the most part the team camaraderie is a seven-inning laugh-fest, with joking and often ribald kibitzing seven innings long if you listen in closely. It’s all good-natured and players give as good as they get.
And more fun than the serious guys on the other side of town at the West Gravenhurst ball yard.
No wonder this league is growing. They’re fun to play with and watch.
Oh … and the 26-12 win by Vertex was no sweat.
There’s always tomorrow night.

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30th year of ‘Local Online Journalism’
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