Mark Clairmont |

GRAVENHURST — It wasn’t the coldest day of the year yesterday.

More like the warmest day of the year so far as hundreds of walkers, joggers, kids, parents, grandparents and their pets trekked the streets here from morning to evening.

They weren’t just out for a stroll on a gorgeous, sunny day, but combining some serious fundraising for Gravenhurst Against Poverty (GAP) in their annual Coldest Night of the Year event.

Together and apart for a good cause, it was another nice coming together of the community.

And your kindness, generosity and physical fitness paid off large as organizers expect to double their goal by reaching $100,000 when all the pledges are in.

They were at $87,000 Sunday morning.

Organizers Joanna Twist, Bryan White and GAP chair Bonnie Dart (and dozens of other volunteers) were busy on the main street collecting cash and donations in the morning outside the United Church and they were back there at the end of the afternoon as people came by to sign up or say “hi” and give a thumbs up to them.

They all got a friendly, enthusiastic wave in return from grateful and appreciative organizers.

It was like that all over town.

You couldn’t miss them on the streets as their colourful blue and yellow toques could be seen for blocks.

And as they approached each other from opposite directions it was as if they hadn’t seen each other in months as they high-fived the air as they smiled and passed each other.

Families and friends, neighbours and strangers alike greeted one another on side streets in sorority of sorts.

And creating an specially strong bond that will help feed — and plain help in other ways — those in need.

A sunny way to start and finish any day.

You can still contribute by going to their website

GAP chair Bonne Dart, left, Bryan White (with Yoda) and Joanne Twist were at the United Church in the morning and later in the afternoon smiling, collecting money, pledges and donations yesterday at their annual fundraiser.
Diane Jeffery, left, Allyn and Rob Abbott and Ross Jeffery were part of the Rotary team raising money for the club’s GAP project.
Everyone was smiling and enjoying the sunshine and a chance to help a good cause.
Derek Schofield and his family cross Brock Street on the return trip downtown.

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