Gravenhurst landlord ticketed for failing to provide smoke/CO alarms

GRAVENHURST — A Gravenhurst landlord has been issued ticketed twice for failing to provide smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms for the tenant of one of her apartments.

Gravenhurst fire officials have ticketed a landlord with fines totalling $720 for not providing smoke and CO alarms for tenants.

The two tickets have fines totaling $720, says a release from the Gravenhurst Fire Department.

“These tickets are expensive, especially when compared to the cost of installing the two alarms, but the cost to the tenant could have been far more impactful had there been a fire,” said fire Chief Larry Brassard.

Smoke alarms and Carbon Monoxide alarms in residences are required by Ontario legislation, and it is the responsibility of property owners to install and maintain these.

“Our fire prevention division was investigating a complaint when the violation was discovered and it’s our view that landlords expressly have a responsibility to ensure their properties are safe, and hence the tickets were issued on the spot,” said Brassard. “The days of leniency when it comes to issues like this involving life safety are over.”

So far this year, 74 Ontarians have died in fires, the vast majority in residential settings. Many of these settings involved homes or apartments where smoke alarms were lacking or were not maintained. Smoke alarms over ten years old must be replaced, as do CO alarms over seven years old.

For more information on fire safety, please contact the Gravenhurst Fire department at 705-687-3414.

Or call them and ask about their free support program for alarms.