Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

MUSKOKA — A petition to dissolve the MAHC board of directors — ending its new hospitals plans — and to return independent public boards to the South Muskoka and Huntsville District hospitals began circulation this weekend in person and online.

Former MPP Dan Waters who opposes the changes, says in a post: “The paper copies are best, and there are some paper petitions in Port Carling, Bala, and Bracebridge and Gravenhurst.

“In the meantime, an individual email to our MPP and the Minister of Health will support us until the paper copies are delivered to Queens Park.”

He urges others who feel likewise to highlight and copy this post and paste it in a new email, and send it to the following addresses:

The electronic and paper petition reads:

“Because electronic submissions of petitions are not yet accepted by the legislative assembly of Ontario at this time, and because we understand, there will be a paper petition brought to you at Queens Park in the coming weeks, and because I need to ensure my name is on the list of petitioners, I am asking that you include my name and address and signature through this email.

“To the Legislative Assembly of Ontario:

“WHEREAS, Muskoka Algonquin Health Care Board of Directors appoints all members of their Board of Directors and since there is no democratic selection to the Board by our local communities;

“And WHERAS Muskoka Algonquin Health Care Board has decided to change South Muskoka Hospital into what we see as a temporary Emergency Rest Stop, with reduced general hospital beds and services in South Muskoka despite that South Muskoka Memorial Hospital has had 35% more inpatient days and 12% more admissions over the past 5 years than Huntsville District Memorial Hospital. And the Board suggests that Huntsville’s hospital should increase in beds and services by more than 153% despite greater demand in South Muskoka;

“And WHEREAS a move to make such a change will cause health, economic and social strife for South Muskoka’s communities;

“WE the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to unanimously agree to:

  1. Disregard any suggestion or applications by the current Board of Directors to the Ministry of Health for any changes to hospital services at Muskoka Algonquin Health Care and
  2. Allow the community to choose their Board of Directors in a democratic fashion or dissolve Muskoka Algonquin Health Care and return to two Boards chosen by residents that will work toward sharing services to reduce costs of having two hospitals.”

The paper petition is appearing in stores and through community and church sites, including in Gravenhurst at:

  • Tara’s Fine Fashions
  • Rombos
  • Bethune Bistro
  • Mighty Mart
  • Gull Lake Variety
  • Anglican Church
  • Catholic Church
  • Presbyterian Church
  • United Church
Muskoka residents are being urged to sign a petition being circulated in south Muskoka, which anyone in Muskoka can sign, say organizers. An electronic version is also available.

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