Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

MUSKOKA — A woman who was caught shoplifting Wednesday was back in the same store Friday this time charged by police with theft; and a man accused of stealing heated coats after fleeing into a snow bank with only one shoe are two of three similar incidents that kept police busy December 1 in Gravenhurst and Bracebridge.

The first occurrence was at 1 p.m. when officers were dispatched to a theft in progress after a man was caught stealing a more than one heated coat from a retail store on Muskoka Road North in Gravenhurst.

Officers arrived and located the man after he had dropped the items and lost a shoe attempting to flee through a snow bank.

Police charged 52-year-old Raymond Leigh, of Port Sydney, with Theft Under $5000 CC 334(b).

Leigh is to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in Bracebridge on January 16, 2024.

Later, at 6 p.m., a woman was arrested for shoplifting at a pharmacy on Brock Street in Gravenhurst.

She was caught stealing a quantity of goods and was arrested after police said she had previously been accused of theft from the same pharmacy two days prior on November 29.

Ndeye Diop, 26 of Gravenhurst, faces charges of Theft Under $5,000 CC 334(b) X 2 and Possession of Property Obtained by Crime CC 355(b).

Diop is to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in Bracebridge on January 30, 2024.

The third shoplifting incident of the day police are investigating took place at 8:15 p.m. after a man caught the attention of store staff at a retail location on Depot Drive in Bracebridge.

Police say he was concealing items.

Officers responded quickly and arrested 29-year-old Kyle Moore, of Huntsville.

Moore was charged with Theft Under $5000 CC 334(b), Possession of Property Obtained by Crime CC 355(b) and Mischief CC 430(1)(b).

He is to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in Bracebridge January 30, 2024.

In just over eight hours police responded to three shoplifting incidents in Gravenhurst and Bracebridge.

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30th year of ‘Local Online Journalism’

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