Mark Clairmont |
PARRY SOUND-MUSKOKA — “Calls for ‘restricted red’ worked.”
Social media erupted with the news today as business groups celebrated their lobbying efforts after the province announced both the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit and the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) will be moving into the Red-Control zone of Ontario’s COVID response framework.
Norah Fountain, executive director of the Muskoka Lakes Chamber of Commerce, was busily emailing everyone she could after the noon announcement.
She had been leading a local charge and sent out this email: “Calls for ‘restricted red’ worked” with this link here to the announcement.
She didn’t include an exclamation mark at the end of her note.
But it was self-evident after weeks of prodding the province to do the right things by Muskoka and Parry Sound where cases pale by comparison to their other halves.
She got two of the three things she wanted with plans Monday to open where it is “safer” and with few restrictions in the red-control zone.
Next up is dividing and conquering the north-south boundary divide of SMDHU.
The back-and-forth dialogues between businesses, the province, the health units, politicians at all levels, parents and a protesting public have been unrelenting.
Meanwhile, at the top end of the pandemic pandemonium, MPP Norman Miller was equally effusive in praising the day’s big news locally.
“This news combined with the news about the accelerated vaccine rollout makes this a very good day in the history of the COVID pandemic,” he said.
Miller added: “Today the Ontario government announced how the direction from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization that second doses of the COVID-19 vaccines can be delayed up to four months is changing the timeline for the vaccine rollout.”
The rollout will be further revised to reflect today’s approval by Health Canada of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, he said in his release that included this refresher of some of what Monday will mean — in case you forgot last week or remain confused:
- Essential retailers can operate at 75% capacity
- Other retailers can operate at 50% capacity
- Restaurants can open with a maximum of 10 patrons indoors
- Personal care services can operate but cannot provide services where masks would have to be removed
- Gyms can open for a maximum of 10 patrons at a time and
- Places of worship can operate at 30% capacity.
“I know that restaurants and gyms were hoping for fewer restrictions, but this is a step in the right direction.
“I ask those business owners to be patient and to continue to follow the public health measures,” said Miller.
“I will continue to advocate for our area to be opened further. Between the public health measures and increased vaccinations, I am optimistic that it will soon be safe to open further.”
Miller further reminds all residents of Parry Sound-Muskoka to continue to follow COVID safety protocols.
“The fact that our province is now expecting to have all willing adults in Ontario receive at least their first dose of vaccine before the first day of summer is great news for everyone, particularly for our tourism operators and everyone who works in our tourism sector,” added Miller.

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