Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

MUSKOKA — Here are two key numbers worth thinking about today, as Ontario’s COVID numbers fell four cases short of 1,400 today.

In Simcoe 46 people tested positive for the coronavirus Friday (none in Muskoka).

That’s the same number reported yesterday for the previous two days — Wednesday and Thursday.

And it ends the week with 141 people positive — starting on Nov 8.

That’s the same number as last week.

If that indicates a flattening of the curve, that’s good news, but unlikely according to trends and health unit trajectories for the rest of the year that see another 1,000 or more cases ahead locally.

They are among 1,604 people in total across the health unit region.

Two more people are in hospital bringing the number to 8.

With yesterday’s report of a woman 80+ from Huntsville, Muskoka’s share of the cases so far this year is at 83, with one person currently in hospital and one of the 50 deceased being from the northern district.

That’s according to online data today from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, in an updated report on the epidemic curve by municipality.

All this as countrywide the second wave is cresting higher and higher.

Ontario is again outnumbering Quebec, which was almost 100 less at 1,301.

Meanwhile, in Manitoba it had 437 cases for a pandemic total of 10,216.

By comparison, Alberta had 860 cases Thursday.

Today’s positive COVID tests bring to 1,604 the number of cases reported by the health unit.
Friday’s 46 cases in Simcoe bring to 141 the total this week in the region, the same number as last week.

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