Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
MUSKOKA — Good and bad news locally yesterday about COVID testing and results gave way today to more of the former and none of the latter.
The health unit is reporting no new cases in Muskoka, Sept. 24 — after 10 were reported the day before as pandemic panic began sweeping the district.
But Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare says a staff member has tested positive. See separate story.
Of the seven new cases Thursday, five were in Barrie and one each in Innisfil and Collingwood.
All but one were under investigation.
One was a female under age 17.
And there was one male 18-34.
This as the province announced its is “building on the largest provincial testing initiative in Canada” by providing $1.07 billion to expand COVID-19 testing and case and contact management.
Premier Doug Ford said the government is also “immediately” investing $30 million to prevent and manage outbreaks in priority sectors, including the province’s long-term care homes, retirement homes and schools.
Ford made the announcement in Toronto along with Health Minister Chrisine Elliott a day after they were in Huntsville to announce testing in 60 drug stores in a first round of pharmacy testing.
The Shopper’s in Huntsville — the only site in Muskoka so far — appears to be overwhelmed with calls to book an appointment for the first day of testing there tomorrow, Friday Sept. 25.
There phone line constantly busy in several attempts after lunch to call about its plans for screening and safety protocols for customers and staff.
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