Mark Clairmont |

HUNTSVILLE As Ontario topped 300 reported new COVID cases today, an 80+ Huntsville man is among them.

The cause was close contact.

He was among 13 people listed in the daily 1 p.m. count released by the local health unit.

That’s the second highest recent number of cases for the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit.

On Sept. 8 there were 16 men and women reported in the Central Ontario health region.

The provincial number was pegged at 313 — a startling jump of 50 per cent over 204 reported Sunday.

Quebec was just a few behind at 276.

Most of the local cases were in Barrie and were aged 18-34.

Nine were men and two were women.

The Huntsville man and a woman from Innisfil, 35-44, were the exceptions.

Of the 13 cases Sept. 14, six were cited as having obtained the corona virus through close contact.

Seven others are under investigation as to the cause.

The news has public health officials and politicians scrambling to control the steady increase since August and fearing and preparing for the possible worst ahead.

The local health unit is reporting 13 new cases Sept. 14 – with most of them young males 18-34. The exception is a 80+ male from Huntsville.

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