Mark Clairmont |
MUSKOKA — Normal school it’s not.
But it will be instructed in a normal calendar year.
So don’t expect extra days of classes or fewer holidays to make up for lost time this spring as students, teachers and custodians return to the classroom.
Christmas and March breaks remain the same.
That’s according to the new monthly schedule for students, teachers and staff released by the Trillium Lakelands District School Board.
Some teachers are already in school this week preparing lessons and learning COVID-19 protocols.
The first day back is a week today, with students staggering in starting Sept. 8.
And most will only go for one day the first week and three days the following week, at least for elementary kids who will spend the first day acclimatizing themselves to the new way of learning.
The final day is still scheduled for June 30.

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