Mark Clairmont |

MUSKOKA — It’s a new season today — and a new opportunity.

Summer is virtually over — according to the calendar.

And it’s been one for the books.

Not only are schools getting ready to open, but businesses are looking forward to a great new beginning.

With the help of the Muskoka Economic Recovery Task Force (MERTF), which is working to boost the local economy and ensure a strong economic recovery for Muskoka both during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

A Shop Local social media campaign is launching Sept. 1 to support businesses across Muskoka this fall season.

Residents and visitors can support this campaign by posting photos at their favourite local businesses using the hashtags #ShopLocal #SupportMuskoka #MuskokaCares.  Participants will be eligible for a weekly chance to win one of two $50 gift cards to a Muskoka business of their choice.

Follow the campaign’s weekly themes to explore six ways we can all shop local and support Muskoka.

“Support for our local businesses has never been so important. With the help of our communities we have the power to strengthen the local economy,” said District chair John Klinck, MERTF chair.

“The timing for this campaign is to help further strengthen the fall season and support out local businesses as we move into recovery.”

Campaign themes:

  • Share the love! (Describe your favourite local business or product with an image)
  • We are in this together! (Capture a friend & tag them in a local business)
  • Get active! (Post an image of your favourite recreational business in Muskoka)
  • Savour Muskoka’s best! (Show your love for local cuisine by posting an image)
  • Plan a Thanksgiving staycation! (Share an image of your ideal Thanksgiving staycation
  • Gratitude (Show thanks to frontline workers, a local business, etc)

For more information and to get involved in supporting and promoting local business recovery in Muskoka, please visit on the District’s online engagement platform and sign up for updates.

Muskoka wants you to get onboard with local businesses to help the local economy recover.

Email [email protected]

Or [email protected]

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