Clifford Flavell and Mary Flavell Leger | Special to MuskokaTODAY.com

GRAVENHURST — Are you a polio survivor?  Do you know someone who is?

Are you interested in knowing more about this debilitating disease that is still  with us from those who have survived it?

Then you are encouraged to attend an informal meeting of survivors, family, friends and any one else curious about this disease that has not yet been eradicated world-wide.

October is Polio Awareness Month.

On Saturday, Oct. 5 at 1 p.m., polio survivors, along with their friends and families, will meet at the Gravenhurst Seniors Activity Centre (480 First St.North, Gravenhurst).

These annual informal meetings are a means of support and a venue to exchange information among survivors over a cup of tea or coffee.  The public is always welcome to attend and ask questions.  Survivors are happy to share their stories and information about polio with you.

Polio is not a disease of the past.

It is very much present in some parts of the world today and only an airplane ride away from Canadians.  There is no cure for this disease … only prevention through vaccination.

It is close to being eradicating, thanks worldwide to Rotary International the efforts of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Cliff Flavell is a polio survivor and speaker who says “polio is not a disease of the past.” He is speaking Saturday at the Gravenhurst Active Living Centre at 1 p.m., along with other survivors of the preventalbe disease.