Mark Clairmont |

GRAVENHURST — It was a hard day’s night for pavers on James Street.

Last night and this morning C Valley Paving put a hard top of 45 millimetres on the road detour around Bay Street.

Workers were out in the dark with the street closed a dozen hours from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. as they did a sweep and laid black top from almost a kilometre west of John Street (at the school crosswalk) to North Muldrew Lake Road.

The Bay Street stretch though the Muskoka Wharf area is set to close permanently tomorrow — Wednesday June 5 — up to the Lions Pavilion entrance at the east end of the Wharf.

Construction workers made short work overnight today in paving James Street in Gravenhurst west from just past the school cross walk.

A warm night made their job easier as about a couple dozen brightly-lit, orange-vested, hard-hatted men made quick work in two paving passes up and down the long stretch that will carry tens of thousands of truck and cars in the coming six months.

It’s work that was badly long overdue — but that will be much appreciated by those drivers who will be less inconvenienced than trying to navigate water, sewer and stormwater digging as part of Bay & Beyond’s three-year improvements.

Muskoka Wharf businesses are less impressed with the Gravenhurst and Muskoka district initiative, which they claim will severely inconvenience their commerce in the height of the cottage and tourist season.

And it’s possible the revitalized road could become permanent alternate route for travellers who may find it’s the fastest way to head east or west and bypass the downtown core.

It was smooth riding today along the west end of James Street, overdue paving that is looking already looking to become a popular alternative route around the Muskoka Wharf and downtown Gravenhurst this summer and beyond. New left and right road turning-lane markings were also painted at the CTC gas bar intersection on Muskoka Road South.

A tour from the main drag west along the road at noon today would already indicate that’s the case with busier than usual vehicular use.

Leaving the Marriott Hotel, Muskoka Discovery Centre and assorted smaller entrepreneurs and foodies almost stranded.

In the meantime summer events like the hugely popular Antique & Classic Boat Show are either cancelled or relocated.

That’s Day 1 — with months of frustration for all to come.


  • Follow us for progress of Bay & Beyond. Let us know if you have any problems or concerns this summer and during the three-year phased project from Muldrew Lake up Bay Street and down Brock Street to Gull Lake Rotary Park.  E-mail Put Bay & Beyond in subject field.

Go west young man …. Take a road trip down James.

A sweeper clears the path at 9:30 p.m. last night as overnight construction proceeded down the street.
By 10 p.m. half the hot asphalt was down on the west-bound lane of James.
A coating of about 45 millimetres of black top will keep drivers happy – if not businesses who will miss commuting customers.
At the end of the line at North Muldrew Lake Road the black top glistened beneath the night sky light.
After a hard day’s night, this C Valley paver was at rest with itself after laying a ton of asphalt overnight.
As of tomorrow this intersection at Hwy. 169 and Steamship Bay Road will be closed for at least June and into July. Traffic into the Marriott Hotel and Muskoka Discovery Centre will be impacted.
A Rebel contracting runner beats the throw at first as her Muskoka Ladies Softball League game against Personal Property Management went ahead with players having to park next to hockey rink and basketball court and walk to the ball diamond as paving proceeded.
Last night over … today workers staked out where signage will go ahead of tomorrow’s full closure of Bay Street to Greavette Street.


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