Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
MUSOKA — If you spotted a red moon last night, don’t worry.
It’s not a reflection of wild fires in northwestern Ontario.
Or the fact that it was 52 years ago today that American Neil Armstrong took “One small step for man and one giant leap for mankind,” by setting foot on the moon on Sunday, July 20, 1969.
But the smoke from those burning forests is being felt in Muskoka and across much of the rest of the southern part of the province.
But conditions are expected to improve today with the passage of a cold front.
The temperature at mid-afternoon was 24 C.
This morning, Environment Canada issued this advisory for Central Ontario for Tuesday and Wednesday:
- Today — Maximum Air Quality Health Index 4 or moderate risk.
- Tonight — Maximum Air Quality Health Index 4 or moderate risk.
- Wednesday — Maximum Air Quality Health Index 2 or low risk.
- Wednesday night — Maximum Air Quality Health Index 2 or low risk.
It said smoke is causing poor air quality and reducing visibility. Smoke is expected or occurring.
High levels of air pollution due to smoke from ongoing forest fires are possible.
Smoke from active forest fires in northwestern Ontario has moved over southern Ontario. Elevated particulate matter levels and hazy conditions have been reported at several stations. Reduced visibilities and deteriorating air quality are possible if the smoke descends to ground level.
Individuals may experience symptoms such as increased coughing, throat irritation, headaches or shortness of breath. Children, seniors, and those with cardiovascular or lung disease, such as asthma, are especially at risk.
If you or those in your care are exposed to wildfire smoke, consider taking extra precautions to reduce your exposure. Wildfire smoke is a constantly-changing mixture of particles and gases which includes many chemicals that can be harmful to your health.
For more details, please consult www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/air-quality-health-index/wildfire-smoke.html.

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