Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
SIMCOE-MUSKOKA — Stage 1 of Ontario’s opening produced weekend COVID numbers that only weeks ago would have been single day stats.
Twenty-six cases — for three days.
And none in Muskoka.
That’s 9 Sunday, 7 Saturday and 10 Friday, according to the health unit that added a couple of other new cases not previously reported.
So 28 cases for a Monday is relatively pretty good compared to the start of weeks for months.
And 94 cases last week was the lowest total number of cases since early October 2020. That was also 38% lower than the 152 cases the first week of June, according to the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit.
Ontario’s 33 other health units also came well down. This morning Public Health Ontario (PHO) reported 447 and 4 deaths provincewide. Yesterday those cases totalled 530.
Simcoe-Muskoka was listed at 11 today by PHO.
Toronto remained above 100 by 10. Yesterday they were at 102. York is making steady progress with 11 (14) as is Peel at 61 (81).
North Bay-Parry Sound had 3 (5) and Porcupine 39 (68).
Meanwhile, Simcoe-Muskoka’s first vaccines continue to rise topping 62 per cent to start the week.
And the health unit’s cases per 100,000 per week number is down to 2.04 per cent, whereas just more than three weeks ago on May 20, before the long weekend, it was 12.96 per cent.
- 12,159 cases to date
- 1 death in June, 18 in May, 25 in April, 12 in March
- 3,918 Alpha variants to date, 153 Gamma, 27 Beta, 14 Delta
- 686 cases await confirmation of variant
- 435,400+ vaccines have been administered in Simcoe Muskoka
- 373,800+ residents have received their first dose, which represents more than 62% of the population.
- 72% of adult residents 18 years and older have had at least one dose of vaccine and 46% of youth 12 to 17 years of age have had their first vaccine dose.

Hien Thach, a Regina father, has come out of a five-week coma and will be able to see the birth of his in August. Doctors told his wife Tina they did not expect that to happen.
June 16 Ontario will open provincial borders with Manitoba, which had 124 new cases today and Quebec, which had 123.
UK delays full opening to July 19 due to rising Alpha cases.

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