Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

SIMCOE-MUSKOKA — Another record-setting day sees Simcoe-Muskoka top 100 COVID cases again today.

The 101 people who tested positive for the coronavirus Saturday is the second straight day region has reached triple digits after 124 Saturday.

That makes the weekend toll 225.

This as Ontario says it recorded a record 4,456 cases — including 21 deaths.

Toronto was back in to millennium territory with 1,353 after dropping to 973 Saturday.

Peel jumped to 860 today from 669 yesterday.

York was up by just 2 today to 444.

North Bay-Parry Sound saw no new cases.

Sudbury fell by 8 to 22.

The provincial 7-day average is now at 3,573 — yet another record.

Vaccinations continue with almost 95,000 as of last night, bringing that total to 3,139,743 as of last night, according to Public Health Ontario figures this morning.


  • Alberta is a new hot bed with soaring cases and at least one church being closed by health units for defying orders to close. Church members tore down fencing around it west of Edmonton.
  • In the Far North, Yukon is allowing people to self-isolate in the wilderness instead of hotels.
Vaccination clinic will have to work overtime to keep up with demand as COVID cases continue to rise in Simcoe-Muskoka.

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