Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

What a weekend.

A day to celebrate like crazy and a day to heal and look forward to tomorrow.

Americans woke up this morning turning a frown upside down.

Joe Biden is the president-elect and President Donald Trump is — well — history.

It couldn’t have been a more perfect ending — if days late and a few votes and seats short of a landslide half the country wanted.

The U.S. erupted at yesterday’s 11 a.m. call for Biden, filling both sides of streets with cheering Democrats and jeering Republicans emphasizing the divide.

But the streets weren’t scenes of protest and chaos seen the past four years.

And when vice president-elect Kamala Harris ignited the in drive-in celebration that looked like a pick-up truck dealership, tears of joy for young and old, black and white, women and men, gays and straights were the visuals to remember.

Her inspiring speech put in to words the feelings and mood of most of the world.

She gave hope to young girls, women, blacks and immigrants.

Biden looked strong, spoke confidently and promised to come out of the gate tomorrow fighting the pandemic and trying to right perceived wrongs.

While not exactly the kind of address to the nation — world — that was deserving of such a momentous occasion, it was politically speaking fitting.

None of what has been witnessed with the 45th president, but strictly a political document not unseen or delivered by previous president-elects.

But given the alternative it was workmanlike and emblematic of what to expect.

A Valium to calm frazzled nerves.

Biden and Harris aren’t a panacea for COVID and all the other ills America is fraught with.

But it’s a sensible step in the right direction and a ticket that should return the country on the path began in 2008 by Barack O’Bama and only interrupted by a curve in the road to decency, human dignity and fairness.

Just hopefully not a return to one per centers and decades of accumulated wrongs of all past presidents.

Tomorrow is another day — the first day of the rest of our lives.

Let’s see if “we the people” is more than a mere trite turn of phrase.

And if Trump goes into the night screaming and crying or goes out with any kind of learned dignity.

You’ll be the judge of that.

Joe Biden was strong, conciliatory and hopeful that his experience can bring the country together. And he made a good start with plans to tackle the pandemic starting tomorrow.
Kamala Harris not onlly made history as the first black female president-elect, but as she said, she won’t be the last.
The Biden-Harris ticket proved to a majority of Americans a better alternative to Donald Trump.

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