Mark Clairmont |

SIMCOE-MUSKOKA — If you needed any more proof  that the pandemic is going to make winter worse, latest local stats confirm everyone’s worst fears.

Today the health unit reports 86 positive tests over the weekend.

Two of them are women from Muskoka.

One is aged 45-64 in Bracebridge.

The other is younger, 18-34.

All of the other 84 people again reside in Simcoe counties north and south.

Two are from Severn.

They are among 1,720 regional cases to date, as the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit looks to hit 2,000 cases by the end of this month if this continues.

They say 214 cases remain active.

Across the province Monday Nov. 16, there were 1,470 cases.

In Quebec it was 1,218; Manitoba 392 and Alberta 991 with 9,618 active cases.

Simcoe and Muskoka reported 86 positive cases over the weekend as public gatherings continue against best public health advice.

The list of cases in Simcoe and Muskoka today continues quickly toward 2,000 by month’s end.

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