GRAVENHURST — A brazen would-be thief brandishing a firearm was turned away empty-handed minutes apart at two variety stores here last evening.
After being turned away at one at the intersection of
Police are investigating the robberies that happened about 6:30 p.m. Monday Oct. 26 at Winewood Variety and Lester Square on Muskoka Beach Road at Winewood Avenue and across the street at Bethune Drive and Winewood Avenue.
Police say the suspect entered the stores with what appeared to be a firearm, demanded cash and then fled.
Store security video captured his photo, which police immediately obtained and released.
The suspect is described as 5-foot-7 and was wearing a reflective jacket and a black toque, black mask and black gloves and left in a white sedan that had been parked alongside Winewood Avenue.
Members of the public are asked to be vigilant and call police to report any suspicious activity.
Anyone with information or video footage from surveillance in that area are asked to call Bracebridge OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. You can submit your information online at if you have any information on this crime or any other crime. Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to call display and you will remain anonymous. Being anonymous, you will not testify in court and your information may lead to a cash reward of up to $2,000.