Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

NOTTAWASAGA — As families gather for Thanksgiving, they’re reminded to keep dinners small, lest they face hefty fines for breaking new Ontario pandemic rules — as happened this week.

Provincial police at Nottawasaga charged 10 people at two large Airbnb gatherings after midnight Tuesday and Wednesday and fined them.

And readers noted the original police media release didn’t mention the amounts.

In an updated response to us today, Friday Oct. 9, OPP acting-Sgt. Katy Viccar, media relations officer for the police Central Region in Orillia, responded with this email to a question about the fines.

She told MuskokaTODAY.com:

“Between the two incidents, a total of 10 people were charged.

“Fine is $750, with victim surcharge it’s $880.

“10 x 880 = $8,800.”


In another OPP update — on a tragic canoeing death last month in Minden Hills — police in Haliburton say the father did not try to hand his daughter off to rescuing boaters before he himself drowned.

The accident happened Sept. 13 and police said just days later in an unreported update that he went under the water before the four-year-old girl was pulled from Moore Lake by boaters who rushed to the overturned family canoe with five people, including the girl’s four-year-old friend.

Those involved in the rescue and witnesses have stated the man had already slipped under the water when the rest of the family was rescued and police issued a clarification.

See the original Airbnb story link below:


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