Mark Clairmont |
MUSKOKA — This summer it’s refuse they can refuse.
With a dearth of jobs — and more unemployed receiving CERB and EI — it’s hard to believe a company can’t find workers to pick up recycling and waste for $20 an hour.
It’s seems a waste of talent.
The District of Muskoka and Waste Connections Canada — the multi-national North American corporation contracted to collect refuse — blame hot weather and you for being overly-generous with your contributions to save the environment.
That trash-talking excuse for managing waste has curbside clients hot under the collar — after mounds of complaints about missed pickups— or as the district calls it “a gap in service delivery.”
So the district says it has hired “additional curbside collection contractors to address the recent delays and to help better serve residents at this time.”
They say residents may notice changes to the typical pick up timing and different trucks servicing their routes.
Collection days will remain the same, however they say have all materials to the curb by 8 a.m. on your collection day regardless of when your items are usually picked-up.
“We appreciate your patience and understanding while the new contractors become familiar with their routes,” says a release today, July 30.
“If collection is missed, please be reminded to bring your garbage and recycling in after 7 p.m. and 7 p.m. and put it back out in the morning.”
You can also call the district and they will refer you to Waste Connections, which will advise the driver on your route.
And in the past, including the past week, missed collection has been picked up the next day.
The district also says you can double up your refuse the next week.
Collection now in summer is weekly.
As of yesterday, Waste Connections Canada was offering fulltime jobs to drivers at $20.20 an hour and for helpers $19.07 at Bracebridge for garbage truck drivers.
The pickup product that is collected and re-sold.

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