Mark Clairmont |
GRAVENHURST — Grad season is exciting and unpredictable this year.
And while schools are virtually in chaos — and until college and university studies are free — post-secondary students may have to pay a steeper price to learn.
So the $100,000 that eligible Gravenhurst students will receive this year from the Gravenhurst Rotary Club’s Bursary Endowment Fund is perhaps more important that it was the day a decade ago when the small fund began growing to a million-dollars plus today.
The interest from the fund helped 34 local young men and women here further their academic studies by augmenting personal and government financial assistance.
must be in
by June 30
Endowment committee chair and founder Ken Little says in an accompanying letter here inviting students to apply for next year’s 2020-21 school bursary fund that “through the generosity of over 150 Gravenhurst and area residents 18 stand-alone bursaries have been set up providing higher learning opportunities of between $1,200 and $4,000 each.
For many applicants studying coast-to-coast — UBC to Dalhousie — it has allowed them to be repeat recipients start to graduation.
Some local and seasonal donors to the fund — which is close to $1.5 million — have given more than $100,000. And many more have contributed smaller amounts and up to and beyond $25,000.
Students wishing to apply for this fall’s semester (to be paid to the academic institution starting after the first semester) should submit their application by the end of this month (June 30) at the fund’s website
They can be mailed to the Rotary Bursary Endowment Fund at Box 888, Gravenhurst, P1P 1V2.
Or they can be dropped off at Little’s Muskoka Realty office at 888 Bay St, Gravenhurst. His phone number is 705-687-5777,
Donations are also welcome the same way.
Click on Little’s accompanying PDF format letter below for more information.

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