Mark Clairmont |

ORO — Look … up in the sky. It’s the Snowbirds.

Operation Inspiration is expected to fly into Simcoe Country this afternoon just before 5 p.m. today.

But with a few flurries this afternoon that’s up in the air.

The national COVID-19 aerial salute is due to land at Lake Simcoe Regional Airport at 5:15 p.m.

But a call to their operations centre was voice of caution.

The tour, which was grounded Saturday due to weather, was scheduled for Sunday to have them leave London at 4:15 p.m., heading north to Stratford, then going east over Kitchener and Guelph before going north to Collingwood and finally landing between Barrie and Orillia at 5: 15 p.m.

They could fly up over Muskoka early Monday, weather permitting. Emails to them Sunday could not confirm that.

The Snowbirds website says to watch their social media posts for daily schedule updates.

Follow them on Twitter at @cfssnowbirds

The Snowbirds are scheduled to fly over Simcoe County between 4 and 5:15 p.m. today.

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