Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
MUSKOKA — Just when you thought it was going to be safe to come to Muskoka — floodwaters are on the rise.
For more than a week water levels on Lake Muskoka have reportedly been rising and the complaints are just now starting to surface to levels not seen in a year.
Heather Scott, in Torrance, wonders why it’s happening again — a second year in a row.
She’s “super frustrated,” she told MuskokaTODAY.com today.
“The mayor tells us everything’s under control and there’ll be no flooding.”
“I don’t know if it’s poor planning or what. I could be better,” said the real estate agent with Forest Hill, who lives on the Moon River at Bala.
Her inlaws live on Lake Muskoka and she’s on the lakes “all the time,” where she says there’s lots of cottagers up here now.
She has complained to the the MNRF and has been posting updates on social media this week about rising water levels on Lake Muskoka at Torrance.
And wondering “how does this keep happening with so many smart people.”
In a video today, May 2, she asks whether the province is using the lake as a reservoir or just “getting us used to high water levels.”
Either way, she says that’s unacceptable.
She says it’s “typical” to see higher levels at this time of year.
But this week they’ve gone up eight inches alone in a matter of days.
She says the Bala Bay is backed up and “they need to pull some logs.”
This time last year the water was up four feet.
She says she’ll continue to monitor the situation.
See her Facebook video link at https://www.facebook.com/buymuskoka/videos/10158558447109165/?comment_id=Y29tbWVudDoxMDE1ODU1ODQ0NzE2OTE2NV8xMDE1ODU1ODUxMzc1OTE2NQ%3D%3D
Meanwhile, the province said today, in a release, that it is aware and dealing with the problem.
“The Ontario government has been actively working with federal and municipal governments, First Nations partners, and non-governmental organizations to prepare and respond to any flooding situation across the province during the COVID-19 outbreak.”
This in the wake of major flooding in Fort McMurray, Alberta. Ontario says it is developing evacuation plans.
It says in “recognizing the impact of COVID-19 on municipalities this year, Ontario is taking the lead on identifying suitable locations to host evacuees and to minimize the reliance on municipal resources for various supports, including health care and social services.”
That means
As a result, the province has taken steps to ensure that provincial, federal and non-governmental resources, such as the Canadian Red Cross, can be deployed to minimize the burden on local communities as much as possible.
The flooding update was provided today by Premier Doug Ford, John Yakabuski, Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry, Sylvia Jones, Solicitor General, and Christine Elliott, Minister of Health.
“Our staff are closely monitoring ongoing flooding risks across the province and working with partners and communities on any areas of concern,” said Yakabuski.
“We are ready to respond to any requests for sandbags during this very challenging time. We also continue to work with our partners to advance the important long-term initiatives outlined in Ontario’s Flooding Strategy, which will help us become more resilient to flooding events in the years to come.”
Current provincial projections show a moderate-to-high risk of flooding for northern Ontario and the James and Hudson Bay coasts, where staff are closely monitoring all major tributaries in anticipation of ice breakup, expected to begin in early May.
As of April 30, 2020, surveillance flights have begun across the Far North to monitor these ice breakups, with operations based out of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s Moosonee Field Office.
There is also a risk of shoreline flooding from snow melt in southern Ontario along the Great Lakes. The province’s Surface Water Monitoring Centre in Peterborough continues to monitor water levels in other areas at risk throughout the province, including communities in the Ottawa Valley and along the Great Lakes.
In March, the government released Protecting People and Property: Ontario’s Flooding Strategy, which outlines the steps the province is taking to reduce flood risks and help Ontarians better prepare for flooding events. Actions outlined in the strategy include increasing access to current and timely information, using improved future rainfall prediction data and establishing a flood mapping technical team.
Quick Facts
Ontario works to keep people safe and secure by coordinating with other organizations to prepare for and respond to emergencies. In parallel to the work done to prepare for potential flood-related evacuations, the province is also engaged in a contingency planning process to prepare for the forest fire season.
To determine the potential for flooding, Ontario monitors flood risks on a continuous basis. This includes using weather forecasts, recorded snow depths, and stream gauge and camera data to analyze water levels and flows.
For remote far northern areas of Ontario, the province uses radar and satellite imagery, surveillance flights and Indigenous community knowledge and expertise.
Ontario’s Surface Water Monitoring Centre carries out storm surge modelling and provides twice daily notifications to local conservation authorities and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s district offices along the Great Lakes.
The province’s updated Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), which came into effect May 1, responds to the recommendations of the report of the Special Advisor on Flooding and is part of Ontario’s Flooding Strategy. The PPS, 2020 acknowledges the role of the province, planning authorities and conservation authorities in working together to mitigate the risks associated with natural hazards, including the impacts of a changing climate.
For information on flood potential across the province, visit ontario.ca/floodforecast.
To learn about flood preparedness and recovery, visit ontario.ca/floods.
Learn how to prepare for an emergency.
Learn about how Ontario is supporting people, businesses and families during COVID-19 by visiting ontario.ca/coronavirus.

May 4, 2020 @ 12:06 pm
Get after them Heather ! How hard is it to pull a few logs ???