Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
MUSKOKA — The Alzheimer Society of Muskoka (MAS) needs a “really big virtual crowd” for Sunday’s 23rd annual Walk for Alzheimer’s.
“There are almost 5,000 residents living with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia in Muskoka and Parry Sound,” organizers say.
And the Alzheimer Society of Muskoka has 585 of them registered clients — 500 of which are care partners and 85 persons living with dementia — says Trish Soja, resource development coordinator with ASM.
So this weekend’s Walk for Alzheimer’s is important to all of them.
It’s been their main fundraiser since 1998, making this Sunday’s online “virtual” event their 23rd annual “walk.”
MAS relies heavily on donations and fundraising to raise more than 40 per cent of the cost to keep vital programs and services running — from Washago to Parry Sound to north of Huntsville — because provincial and federal funding isn’t enough.
Last year their two walks in Bracebridge and Huntsville raised $13,000 — much it coming the day of the walks when people handed over cash and cheques.
While they can’t physically walk together during the COVID-19 pandemic, they will connect online — as well as encouraging people to walk, dance or be active at home on their own any time before or after Sunday.
“Even baking. We’re super flexible,” says Soja, who has Alzheimer’s in her family.
Both her grandfathers — Murray Finch (of Wes Finch and Sons) and Jim Morrow (of Morrow Electric) are affected by it.
The annual IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s raises more than half of their funding.
They say without that funding “our programs could be at risk for the first time, they say in a release.
“We need your support to make sure this doesn’t happen.”
All funds raised locally stay in Muskoka and assist in funding crucial programs and support services.
Like their weekly games and exercise drop-ins in Gravenhurst, Bracebridge and Huntsville, says Soja, one of three part-time MAS workers along with full-time co-ordinator Karen Quemby and another full-timer.
“It’s really successful,” says Soja, along with their Mind in Motion program, which helps “engage the brain.”
On May 31 the Alzheimer Society of Canada will broadcast the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s live online at noon at walkforalzheimer’s.ca.
Just before that, on the MAS Facebook page Morgan Rammo, owner of Vita Fitness, will lead a warm-up stretch.
In every community in every province someone will be walking for someone they love living with Alzheimer’s or other form of dementia or in memory of someone they’ve lost.
Walk the dog around the block, do a dance, jump rope, and walk the stairs.
Challenge friends, family, neighbours and co-workers to join you and let’s show the world that your connections matter and your support for Alzheimer’s in Muskoka is strong during this difficult time.
Support them by walking virtually together to show you care.
Here’s how:
- Register! Make sure you register for the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s. You will receive emails with activations to participate. Register online at WalkForAlzheimers.ca
- Share & Engage! Once you’ve registered, start making a move! Follow the Alzheimer Society of Muskoka on Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter and start sharing your favourite content using the hashtags #IGWalkForAlz and #AlzheimerSocietyofMuskoka. Do you like what others are doing to support and raise awareness for the #IGWalkForAlz? Share it! Repost and share the content you love the most from other walkers to raise even more awareness about why you’re walking this year.
- Participate! Bring your own personal touch to the Walk by sharing your own content! Make a video of you walking around your block explaining who you’re walking for, create your own social media challenge, participate in our online activations each week, or even share messages of support in your window at home for your community to see.
- Give Back! Encourage your friends, family members, neighbours, or others in your social circle to register for this year’s Muskoka’s virtual #IGWalkForAlz and participate in raising awareness and support for people living with dementia, their families, and care partners.
- Encourage your supporters to show you their love with a donation of $1. Or $5. A few dollars add up to big change.
Help make change to our biggest fundraising event of the year; change the way you walk in support of the Alzheimer Society of Muskoka. Their goal is to raise more than ever. Donate online at WalkForAlzheimers.ca
Please practise safe steps – keep physical distance!
For more information or help with Alzheimer’s — or to make a donation — contact Soja at [email protected] 705-645-5621.
The Alzheimer Society of Muskoka office is located at 440 Ecclestone Dr. Unit 17A Bracebridge, ON P1L 2E1 705-645-5621 ext. 104.

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