A few symptoms pertaining to COVID-19 are fever, cough, difficulty breathing and pneumonia.
Back in June of 1983, my white cell counts were extremely low due to working with nasty carcinogens while I was a provincial lab technician in Toronto.
I came down with pneumonia and this is how I fixed it.
I booted up on lot of vitamin C crystals (10,000 mgs) and the next day went to High Park in Toronto and picked a couple of leaves of mullein and then drank tea mad from leaves of this plant.
Shortly after I coughed up phlegm and was on the mend.
Mullein grows here in Muskoka. I’ve seen it in areas of gravel, by roadsides and on rock faces.
This biennial plant grows low to the ground the first year and second year has a tall stalk that is four to eight feet high. Its yellow leaves on top are very distinctive — soft like velvet.
I’ve been thinking of wild plants to use as foods and medicine in case of a possible shortage of supplies.
Read up on this perfect “anti-COVID-19 plant” in “Field Guide to Medicinal Wild Plants,” by Bradford Angier, and “Indian Herbalogy of North America,” by Alma R. Hutchens.
People have asked me: “Aren’t you afraid of the virus?”
My answer is “I’m more afraid of the sanitizer people are using everywhere. The sanitizer will kill me faster than any virus will.”
As a chemically hyper-sensitive person (again, due to working with nasty chemicals at various lab jobs), I am the canary in the coal mine.
My life revolves around detoxing through proper diet and exercise, where I am pretty well in control of the problem.
About three weeks ago I experienced some nasty symptoms that I had not had in years.
I inverted syllables. I said “Mary and Heghan,” instead of “Harry and Meghan.”
Later in the day after leaving the grocery store in Huntsville I experienced lung pain, nausea and I was stoned.
I drove home to Baysville stoned. When I got home, I drank some greens and downed a couple of grapeseed extract pills, ate a sandwich and bit later and then I was fine.
I was warning cashiers not to put sanitizer on their hands, as it goes through the skin and may damage your organs and brain. Just wear gloves.
I’ve run into a couple of Walmart employees who tell me sanitizer is making them ill.
A post office employee who told me sanitizer is making her more asthmatic; and her employer is not sympathetic to her problem.
I was by the door with my head out of the post office, while talking to her. I told her “the sanitizer you’re using is giving me chest pain as I was talking to you. So I am asthmatic, too.”
I had just breathed the vapours for a few minutes and this poor woman has to be in the toxic environment all day.
Not only are the sanitizer vapours permeating us when we shop, but they are also getting into the fruits and vegetables, etc.
I forced to stop shopping at stores where vegetables are near the front entrance.
I buy mesculin mixed salad in the sealed clear plastic containers that you open with a plastic zipper
As soon as nature provides, I will start to incorporate wild plants in my diet.
CTV’s Lisa Laflamme interview Dr. Abou Skarkawi, an infectious diseases specialist at Toronto Western Hospital regularly. He answers public questions emailed into him.
One was: “Will chlorine kill the corona virus?”
The doctor said “Yes, indeed it will.”
A solution of chlorine and water is much cheaper than using sanitizer. Many companies have converted to making sanitizer. Someone always profits from others’ misfortune.
Do some research on Google.
Ask someone at your local health food store about essential oils of oregano and tea tree oil, both of which are anti-viral.
And make your own cleaning products.
Carol Pershyn, B.Sc