CENTRAL ONTARIO — With the fire rating down to moderate, there is no need to let down your guard.
Forest fires and wild fires continue to manace anywhere there are trees or brush.
Local firefighters and special forces firefighters from the province continue to monitor and battle stubborn blazes that
This after the recent 75th anniversary this month of Smokey the Bear.
Across the province forest fires rage at various levels.
In its Northeast Region, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) report that there were three new fires discovered further north by late afternoon on August 15.
Close to Muskoka, Parry Sound 6 is now under control at 0.1 of a hectare near Little Shawanaga Lake.
Meanwhile, local firefighter continue to prepare for the worst.
In Muskoka Lakes firefighters were training this week for the almost inevitability of “wildland” fires.
A tweet from them said: “All Muskoka Lake firefighters are trained to SP103.
“The SP103 standard consists of skills as determined by the Ontario Fire Marshall, the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs and the Ministry of Natural Resources specific to wildland firefighting.
Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services Northeast Fire Region report for August 15, 2019. Time of Report – 18:01
Northeast Region:
There were three new fires discovered by late afternoon on August 15.
- Chapleau 9 is not yet under control at 0.1 of a hectare. It is located southeast of Ridout Lake.
- Chapleau 10 is not yet under control at 0.3 of a hectare. It is located on a small island of Kashbogama Lake.
- Timmins 15 is not yet under control at 0.2 of a hectare. It is located southwest of Pebonishewi Lake.
- At the time of this update, there are five other active wildland fires in the region.
- Wawa 8 is under control at 0.8 of a hectare. It is located approximately 2 km east of Polyanthus Lake.
- Sudbury 35 is being held at 0.2 of a hectare. It is located southwest of Rushbrook Lake, within Rushbrook Provincial Park.
- Parry Sound 6 is under control at 0.1 of a hectare near Little Shawanaga Lake.
- Timmins 13 is under control at 0.4 of a hectare. It is located on the eastern shore of Coyne Lake, approximately 7 kilometres south of Morin Village.
- Cochrane 10 measures 74 hectares and is being observed, approximately 100 kilometres southeast of Moose Factory.
The forest fire hazard ranges from moderate to high in most of the Northeast Region, with parts of the Far North presenting a low hazard and an area east of Lake Superior Provincial Park, which includes Wenebegon River Provincial Park, that is showing an extreme hazard.
For up to date forest fire hazard conditions in your area, see the interactive fire map at