GRAVENHURST — Police are looking for a stolen District of Muskoka pickup truck after a break-in at the landfill in Gravenhurst Sunday

Provincial police say that early May 5 someone went to the Beiers Road transfer site and removed a portion of the metal gate to gain access.
Once inside the gate, the thief located keys to a dark blue 2018 Ford F-250 with District of Muskoka decals on each door, as well as a yellow strobe light on the roof.
The F250 had Ontario Licence AW90678.
The district landfill’s daily in-and-out operations are contracted out to a private company. There is a small office at the front gate where users check in-and-out.
The OPP are requesting the public’s assistance in locating the vehicle. If you believe you have located it, please contact the OPP at 1-888-810-1122. Do no approach the vehicle.