Gravenhurst election information open house Friday afternoon, Aug. 17

GRAVENHURST — Confusion caused by Premier Doug Ford surrounding the local municipal elections can hopefully be cleared up Friday afternoon in Gravenhurst.
It’s especially important as there are a few changes this year, compared to 2014, including online voting.
Everything You Need to Know
About Voting in the
Upcoming Election
The town is hosting an election information open house for the public on Aug. 17, at Gravenhurst Town Office from 2-4 p.m.
“We’re continually working to educate Gravenhurst voters on everything they need to know about the upcoming municipal election and how they can get involved in the voting process,” said Kayla Thibeault, town clerk.
“This year we’re introducing online voting for the very first time, so we’ll be demonstrating to the public how it works,” said Thibeault in a release.
During the open house, the town’s election team will have a mock election module to let people cast simulated ballots. The public will be able to have a look at the election software the municipality is using and get a firsthand understanding of how it will work.
“Additionally, we’ll be showing everyone how easy it is to check to see if they’re on the voters’ list and what they need to do to ensure that their receive their ballot” she said.
“If you’re uncertain about the process, or just have a general question about the municipal election, we hope that you’ll join us … to have your questions answered,” said Thibeault.
To find more information on the 2018 Gravenhurst Municipal Election, please visit:
Or you can contact Thibeault, directly, by email at [email protected].
Or you can call her at the town office, 705-687-3412 Ext. 237