Help redesign HVL Main St., Kent Park
HUNTSVILLE — Why didn’t they think of that before they tore up the street?

Ever think that after a street’s been torn up and put back together?
To prevent that 20-20 hindsight, the Town of Huntsville is inviting residents to share their thoughts on a Main Street and Kent Park redesign.
The District of Muskoka has slated Main Street construction as a project in 2019 to address below street level water and sewage infrastructure.
Now the town has the opportunity to rethink and redesign Main Street and Kent Park, so that any future construction can incorporate a new design that reflects the wants and needs of our residents and visitors.
How would you like to see Main Street change or stay the same?
Would you like to enhance the street trees, planters, lighting, sidewalks, benches or signage?
Please share your thoughts at our upcoming design workshops.
Consultants from The Planning Partnership firm will lead the design of concepts for Main Street and Kent Park over a three-day consultation period.
Join them at the following workshops:
- June 18 Public Workshop
4:30 pm or 6:30 pm
Algonquin Theatre, Partner’s Hall, 37 Main Street East, Huntsville ON P1H 1A1
Join a table group discussion and share your thoughts on Main Street and Kent Park: what’s important, what are the key challenges for pedestrians, drivers and cyclists, and what are the best opportunities for change.
- June 19 Afternoon Informal Drop In and Public Workshop
Algonquin Theatre, Partner’s Hall, 37 Main Street East, Huntsville ON P1H 1A1
The team will be developing concepts to illustrate a new future for Main Street with options for planting new trees, new flower planters, seating, special paving, lighting, parking and signage. Drop in to review the work in progress anytime between 1:00 and 4 p.m.
Or join the table group discussions to review the concepts for Main Street and Kent Park at 4:30 pm or 6:30 pm.
- On June 20th, the team will meet with Town staff and the steering committee to provide feedback from the public workshops and to present the emerging preferred concept for Main Street and Kent Park which will be presented to council in July.
If you would like more information regarding the Streetscape Project or require special accommodation for the public workshops please contact Derrick Hammond at 705-789-1751 ext 2232 or by email at [email protected]
For further information contact Derrick Hammond, director of development services, Town of Huntsville, 705-789-1751 ext 2232 or by email at [email protected]