Mulroney in Bracebridge Monday seeking late PC leadership votes

Caroline Mulroney, who is in Bracbridge Monday morning, already has the support of veteran PC MPP Norm Miller, who tweeted his backing Feb. 5.

BRACEBRIDGE — With Progressive Conservatives in the midst of voting for a new party leader, candidate Caroline Mulroney will make a campaign stop here at the Quality Inn Monday morning to speak to provincial PC members.

Running third in the polls, behind Christine Elliott and Doug Ford, Mulroney will be there at 10:30 a.m. She will be there for an hour.

MPP Norm Miller will introduce her and explain why he is supporting the daughter of prime minister Brian Mulroney, according to an election campaign release from “Team Miller.”

In the last provincial leadership election, won by former leader Patrick Brown, Miller supported Elliott.

The PCs are voting this week, with a ranked ballot system, where they rank the four candidates in order of preference.

The winner to be announced Saturday, March 10.