Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

GRAVENHURST — Rain hasn’t hampered construction much on the Bay & Beyond road re-development next the Muskoka Wharf.

Swift progress should see the bottom section of Hwy. 169, says Nick Miandro.

He’s the Trisan Construction community liaison person knocking on doors up-street today to tell home owners the company will be drilling water test holes on home properties between Cherokee Lane and Hughson Street Thursday in a one-day work project in preparation for the second phase between the two intersections.

He says work at the Wharf is moving relatively fast since its June 1 commencement from North Muldrew Lake Road.

The expectation is to have the surface paving completed by the end of July and basically reopen after the long Civic Holiday weekend Aug. 5.

After that workers will head toward the uptown to do the heaving lifting on water, sewer and ground-water pipes.

He expects that will be done by the end of October.

James Street will continue to be the alternate route for more than three months.

Then they will take the winter off and resume construction up Bay Street to Muskoka Road and post office. Phase 3 will continue the year after down Brock Street to Bethune Drive and the Gull Lake Rotary Park intersection.

Trisan’s Nick Miandro points to the roadblock at the Lion’s Pavilion where the transition in work will end and begin in about two weeks.
Still plenty of work to do in coming weeks.
Businesses should be back to normal entrance at west end of Wharf by August.
The switch over is at the Lions Pavilion then it’s up Bay Street for water, sewer and ground water work to Hughson Street by November.
Paving is expected in the next couple of weeks next to the Segwun and Wenonah II. This is what it looked like last Friday July 12.
Keep your eye on the road between now and the Civic Holiday long weekend.

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