Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com

GRAVENHURST — A number of recent break-ins here the past few months capped with a pair of smash and grabs downtown this week has led to two Gravenhurst men being charged.

Police arrested and charged the two with multiple offences relating to several incidents in October and November.

On Monday and Tuesday of this week OPP responded to multiple break and enters into business premises in the downtown core of Gravenhurst. Both the Currie Bros. music store and Gem and Dia Jewellers had items stolen from their front windows.

As a result they charged the following:

Brian Binder, 33, of Gravenhurst with:

  • Break and Enter, CC 348(1)(b) x2
  • Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5,000, CC 354(1)(a)
  • Trafficking in Stolen Goods, CC 355.5(b)
  • Possession of a Schedule 1 Substance, CDSA 4(1)
  • Fail to Comply with Release Order, CC 145

Binder was also held for a bail hearing this morning, Nov. 11.

Police say that between Oct. 19 and Nov. 8, police also investigated several mischiefs, thefts, and break-ins at other businesses through-out Gravenhurst.

As a result of those investigations, police arrested and charged:

Lucas Koskinen, 30, of Gravenhurst, charging him with:

  • Break and Enter, CC 348(1)(b) x2
  • Mischief Over $5,000, CC 430(3)
  • Mischief Under $5,000, CC 430(4) x2
  • Theft Under $5,000, CC 334(b)

Koskinen is to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in Bracebridge Dec. 6, 2022.

Other businesses, including the CTC gas bar were broken into and windows at Lakers and the Giant Tiger were also smashed.

Anyone who may have witnessed the incidents or may have seen suspicious activity in the area is asked to contact the Bracebridge OPP at 1-888-310-1122 to assist in these investigations. Individuals may also call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or online at https://ontariocrimestoppers.ca Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to call display, and you will remain anonymous. Being anonymous, you will not testify in court and your information may lad to a cash reward of up to $2,000.

Gem & Dia Jewellers in Gravenhust was the second store to suffer a break-in this week in which items were stolen from the front window display.

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28 years of ‘Local Online Journalism’

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