GRAVENHURST — A haunting good Halloween. Wild and wet. Fun and sweet.

That was last night all over Muskoka.

A week that began with its 30th Gravenhust High School haunted Opera House — and included several nights of ghoulish play-acting tales in a cemetery about locally deceased  — ended with sweet-toothed trick o’ treaters going door-to-door for shell-outs.

A fun party was the Calvary Baptist Church where there was a steady line-up at dusk to get inside for more fun and games with kids leaving with a bag-o’ candy.

It was the same in most town under decent, damp weather.

Now you know why kids were hopped up today in school.

Family fun at the Baptist church included a petting zoo that this dinosaur and these pretty little princesses really enjoyed.
Umbrellas in hands, Lilli and Aubrey Thompson were among the very best-dressed trick o’ treaters at the church last night.
Crowds lined up to get inside the church for more fun and madness.
Happy dalmations bog and small made sure they were getting inside for shell-outs.
It was a scream for kids dressed up to go door-to-door later.
Little Ninjas arrived with bags in hands ready for the sweet loot around town.
If it wasn’t wet enough, the Gravenhurst Fire Department brought out their new aerial ladder for kids to see. They also had a crane lit up red, just up the road, at their First Street headquarters.