BRACEBRIDGE — Gotta dance! Gotta sing! Gotta sing and dance — and act.

If that’s you — and you love music — the hills are alive this weekend with auditions for the Rotary Club of Bracebridge’s annual musical.

And this year they are going solo with von Trapp family and their production of The Sound of Music.

Actors, musicians and theatre audiences will be delighted to learn that a wonderful tradition of live theatre is returning to the Bracebridge stage in the new year.

After COVID forced them to go black, the community fundraiser resumes Oct. 1 and 2 at the Rotary Centre for Youth, 131 Wellington St., Bracebridge.

There are four audition times, starting both Saturday and Sunday at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

You don’t have to be Julie Andrews or Christopher Plummer.

But apparently there’s a lot of pent up desire to hit the boards again among Muskoka’s many talented performers.

Auditions will consist of a singing and dance call, and some performers may be asked to read lines from the script.

Applicants are asked to arrive at least 15 minutes before their scheduled start times. And they must come prepared to sing a song of their choosing and they should bring their own recorded accompaniment. The song should preferably be from a musical, although it does not have to be from this show.

A simple dance will be taught and then performed by the group.

There are a large variety of roles for both leads and chorus, which are available for children (aged 8 and up) and adults of all ages.

Those familiar with the Oscar-winning play and movie will know that there are three principal adult female roles (Maria, the Baroness and Mother Superior), two principal male adult leads (Captain von Trapp and Max), two principal young adult/adolescent roles (Liesl and Rolf) and six other von Trapp children.

There are also many adult chorus roles, several with speaking parts.

The many talented actors, dancers and singers in Muskoka are all encouraged to try out. Those chosen will, as always, have lots of fun in the process of creation.

Rotary musicals have always boasted a mix of experienced veteran actors and brand-new performers, and this show will be no exception. It is a great opportunity to build new friendships and share in the joy of making theatre magic. The product of those labours will be a dramatic show, studded with music that is now loved by many generations.

Rehearsals for the production begin in November and will be held at least twice a week.

The musical will run for seven performances at the Rene Caisse Theatre in Bracebridge from Feb. 23 to March 4.

Those who accept a role do need to make a commitment for the entire winter/

The production will be led by director Emma Phillips, assistance director Earl Sacrey, musical director Neil Barlow, choral director Fran Harvey and technical Director Michelle Emson.

Volunteers who wish to help with production tasks or backstage as also most welcome.

For more information, contact Jean Polak, Rotary Club of Bracebridge Email: [email protected]