Letter to Editor:
Continuing to publish only raw data regarding the number of daily vaccinated infections compared with infections in unvaccinated people paints a false picture of the efficacy of COVID vaccines, and seems to support the dangerous myth that vaccines are ineffective.
A quick look at the Ontario Science Table’s online data reveals that, although Omicron infections do happen in fully-vaccinated people, unvaccinated people are nearly five (4.7) times more likely to require hospitalization.
To make matters worse, the unvaccinated are almost 14 (13.9) times more likely to require ICU treatment than vaccinated patients.
What a shame. ICU space is being needlessly occupied by unvaccinated patients, most of whom have no valid medical exemption. Their choice means many others have had their heart and cancer treatments delayed. Lives have been and will be lost — unnecessarily — because of these delays.
It is a shame that people are dying, directly or indirectly, because of unavailable hospital resources when we have free and effective vaccines available with which to prevent this.
Please make an effort to publish statistics that tell the whole story, rather than just the raw data that can be too easily misunderstood.
Our hospitals are in danger of being overwhelmed by people who seem to be ignorant of the real and needless risks they impose on the rest of our society.
M. Perret, Port Sydney