MUSKOKA — With more than 94 per cent of hospital staff and credentialed staff now vaccinated, Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare (MAHC) will require all visitors to provide proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 starting Nov. 22.
Patients do not have to show proof of vaccination to receive care at MAHC.
That’s the same as many other Ontario hospitals, says a MAHC release Friday.
Hospitals president and CEO Natalie Bubela adds that while they have not made vaccinations mandatory for all staff, they have adopted a vaccination policy that came into force on Sept. 7.
MAHC has about 800 staff and active doctors.
Bubela said its policy meets the requirements of the province’s ‘Directive 6,’ which was issued by the Ontario’s chief medical officer of Health, requiring unvaccinated and partially vaccinated staff to complete weekly rapid COVID-19 antigen testing.
She said “more than 94% of MAHC staff and credentialed staff are vaccinated.
“Those who are unvaccinated or are excepted based on a medical exemption or Ontario Human Rights Code exemption are completing the testing.
“All team members continue to be required to wear personal protective equipment and adhere to stringent infection control requirements.”
For more information see Bubela’s blog on this topic at
Meanwhile, the release says all individuals who want to visit a patient at MAHC — and essential caregivers or support people accompanying a patient in special circumstances — will be required to show proof of full COVID-19 vaccination demonstrating 14 days have passed since their second dose as well as identification to enter the hospitals.
“MAHC continues to balance the needs of our patients with the safety of all who enter the hospital,” says Bubela.
“Starting Monday, Nov. 22, our ‘entrance monitors’ at both sites will be checking vaccination records for all visitors, as well as screening for symptoms of COVID-19. For the protection of all our patients, we encourage everyone eligible for vaccination to be fully vaccinated.”
There will be limited exceptions to the policy for specific patient populations including end-of-life (palliative) patients, obstetrical patients in labour and delivery, patients facing life-altering or critical illness as identified by the clinical team, and essential support people (due to language, mobility, cognitive ability, etc.). A provincially-recognized medical exemption from a physician will be accepted at MAHC as well as any Ontario Human Rights Code exemptions.
“MAHC will not accept proof of negative tests in place of COVID-19 vaccination records for entry at the hospitals,” says Bubela.
MAHC is currently in Phase 2 of its visiting during a declared pandemic or outbreak policy. Inpatients are allowed a maximum of two visitors over the age of 18 years per day during visiting hours of 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Visitation must follow MAHC’s requirements to reduce risks associated with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
All visitors must:
Provide proof of vaccination of two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine demonstrating 14 days have passed since receiving the second COVID-19 vaccine
Screen negative for COVID-19 at the hospital entrance
Provide a phone number for contact tracing, if it is necessary
Go directly to the inpatient’s room and refrain from travelling around other parts of the hospital
Wear their hospital-issued ‘visitor’ sticker at all times
Wear a hospital-issued mask for the entire visit except to eat or drink
Wear additional protective equipment, if necessary
Ensure the patient wears a mask while their visitors are present
Clean their hands often to reduce the risk of infection
Maintain two metres (six feet) distance from others at all times
Maintain minimal occurrences of exit and re-entry to the hospital during a single day visit
More information about visiting requirements is available on the MAHC website.