HONEY HARBOUR — What’s the buzz here this weekend?
Jennifer Schnier, director of sustainability for the Township of Georgian Bay, says it’s their annual Honey Bee Virtual and Hybrid Festival all day Saturday, Oct. 2.
An outdoor and online celebration of the sweet life in Georgian Bay Township.
It’s a chance to enjoy the scenic beauty of southwest Muskoka with the dazzling array of coloured leaves hitting their peak now.
It’s been going on all week starting with a 5K fun run and a golf tournament at Oak Bay Golf and Marina and Gala Meals, which can still be purchased at Oake Bay Golf and Marina.
We do want people to buy tickets to Our Lady Peace tomorrow night that can be purchased via our site.
Saturday there’s more music and fun for all ages, a sweet marketplace, an art walk through Honey Harbour, a silent auction plus more.
And — course — there’s enough honey to make even Winnie the Pooh lick his chops.
Listen to ‘OLP On the Rocks’ — the popular annual Our Lady of Peace concert ONLINE at 7 p.m. in the park.
“Its like taking a trip to Georgian Bay without leaving your home, in a safe fun way.
“People are forever curious about what Georgian Bay is all about. This event and the evening show will help people to learn about our space here.”
Adds Schnier: “We do want people to buy tickets to Our Lady Peace tomorrow night that can be purchased via our site.”
“We do want people to buy tickets
to Our Lady Peace tomorrow night,
which can be purchased via our site.”
Schnier also says: “We have a very cool artist coming. His name is Tim Nijenhuis. He is doing a community mural that will be painted by the community. That is pretty cool.”
“He will be located outside of the Remax Baywatch in Honey Harbour. The video is on our Instagram.”
There’s also an opportunity to take the ‘Pollinator Pledge’ here.
Did you know that between 75% and 95% of all flowering plants on the planet need pollinators to produce their seeds.
The best-known pollinator may be the honey bee — but did you know that there are over 900 species of bees in Canada? Other pollinators include butterflies, moths, wasps, flies, beetles and hummingbirds.
Many pollinators are facing hard times in Canada and around the globe. But they can live and prosper in our yards if we protect their habitats. Protect pollinators and join Canadians across the country in taking the Bee City Canada Pollinator Pledge! And then spread the word and track your progress using #PollinatorProtector.

Come to the sweet marketplace where you can find local honey producers, handmade items and much more! Saturday, Oct. 2 at Park Landing, Honey Harbour, 10 a.m to 3 p.m
As you walk through Honey Harbour stop and view some of the most amazing artists from our area on exhibit outside many of our businesses. Oct. 2, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Thank you to our donors and artists who contributed fantastic items for you to bid on.
Proceeds from the silent online auction go to Georgian Bay Biosphere.
You will find a selection of recreation, home decor, baskets and more!
Proceeds from the silent online auction go to Georgian Bay Biosphere.
You will find a selection of recreation, home decor, baskets and more!
Bee-cause our event is a hybrid event we are counting on you for your selfies and pictures. If you get a chance for a candid shot, or the perfectly posed image post it to social media and tag us in it.
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