GRAVENHURST — Forget vaccine passports, criminals are travelling in comfort and style this summer.

Thieves here got away with a Passport travel trailer worth $40,000 and a boat trailer you’d have to sink $10,000 in to to launch with it.

Provincial police are investigating a pair of un-petty crimes the past two weekends.

Overnight Saturday thieves stole a 38-foot Passenger 332 travel trailer bearing Ontario license plate RC849K.

The 2018 model was towed away from an address on Baseline Road in Gravenhurst sometime between Aug. 7 and 8.

The OPP are also looking in to a theft the weekend before of a 2019 Shor DUV boat trailer bearing Ontario license plate W5923C valued at $10,000.00.

The Legend trailer was attached to a vehicle that was parked on Kilworthy Road near Joy Road in Gravenhurst when it was stolen on July 31, 2021 between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.

Anyone with information is asked to please call Bracebridge OPP at (888)310-1122 or call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477. You can submit your information online at Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to call display and you will remain anonymous. Being anonymous, you will not testify in court and your information may lead to a cash reward of up to $2,000.

This 38-foot 2018 Passport travel trailer was hauled away on Baseline Road in Gravenhurst last weekend.
And this Legend boat trailer valued at $10,000 was stolen in Kilworthy July 31.