GRAVENHURST — A driver police say was passed out behind the wheel of his truck has been charged with impaired driving Friday night on Bethune Drive.
The OPP say that on Aug. 6, at 9:56 p.m., officers responded to a motor vehicle that was stopped in the middle of the intersection of Bethune Drive and Brock Street.
They say the male driver was passed out in the driver’s seat at the intersection, woke up and drove backwards.
A second concerned citizen made another 911 call to report the vehicle had been driven backwards into the wrong-way traffic.
Officers located the vehicle on the sidewalk and as a result arrested and charged 25-year-old Corey Foreman, of Muskoka Lakes, with Impaired Operation CC 320.14(1) (a) and Over 80 CC 320.14(1)(b).
Foreman is to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice on Oct. 12, 2021.
Police say officers will continue to patrol roadways and waterways and that those drivers found impaired by alcohol or drugs will have a date in criminal court, have their driver’s licence suspended immediately for 90 days and the vehicle impounded for seven days.
“Be responsible and make good decisions, and help others make good decisions too,” they say in their public safety announcement.