Mark Clairmont | MuskokaTODAY.com
SIMCOE-MUSKOKA — It’s going to get worse before it gets better.
That goes for COVID cases and restrictions as Simcoe-Muskoka reports 133 cases today — 7 of them in Muskoka.
The third wave could be a tsunami according to Friday’s modelling says the province, as escalating restrictions on the public and business are certain.
Emergency breaks and lockdowns aren’t cutting it with COVID.
Words like “careless” “catastrophe”, “we have to do more” — and “more deaths” are on the lips of health experts, politicians, news commentators and public.
Ontario keeps setting daily records this week with 4,812 cases — and 25 deaths today. Yesterday there were 4,736.
Meanwhile, the Muskoka cases in Huntsville, Lake of Bays and Georgian Bay were:
Georgian Bay man, 45-64, under investigation, reported April 15, first episode April 14
Georgian Bay woman, 65-79, under investigation, reported April 15, first episode April 14
Huntsville woman, 18-34, under investigation, reported April 15, first episode April 14
Huntsville man, 18-34, under investigation, reported April 15, first episode April 14
Huntsville woman, 45-64, under investigation, reported April 15, first episode April 14
Lake of Bays woman, 18-34, under investigation, reported April 13, first episode April 12
Lake of Bays man, 35-44, under investigation, reported April 10, first episode April 9
- To date 1,703 local cases have been tested positive for the COVID-19 variant of concern UK B.1.1.7 (UK), 20 cases have tested positive for the P.1 variant of concern (Brazil), 2 cases have tested positive for the B.1.351 variant of concern (South Africa) and an additional 429 cases have screened positive (awaiting confirmatory testing).
- More than 145,250 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in Simcoe Muskoka, including doses administered by local pharmacies. Over 129,700 individuals living in Simcoe Muskoka have received their first dose of vaccine, which represents 21% of the total population.
- There have been 510 new cases reported to the health unit for the current week. There were 657 new cases reported to the health unit last week (week of April 4th), which is 46% higher than the 451 cases reported for the week of March 28th.

- Toronto cases jumped to 1,469, York 491 and Peel 851.
- North Bay-Parry Sound 2, Sudbury 20.
- Quebec 1,527 and 6 deaths.
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