Mark Clairmont |

SIMCOE-MUSKOKA — Good and not so good news on the local vaccine front today for those struggling to get an injection or even get on a waiting list.

Dr. Charles Gardner says in addition to the two-shot Pfizer vaccine already in use, Simcoe-Muskoka will be getting additional Moderna vaccines later this week, the AstraZeneca vaccine next week, which also require two injections. And he says likely the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine in April.

That will increase local supply “two-and-half fold,” he said.

However if you’ve been lucky enough to have had one injection of the Pfizer already and you do have a date for a second shot, you will be hearing from the health unit about extending that second date out up to four months.

The exceptions are for people in LTCs and the elderly in congregate settings.

That’s per the instructions from the province, which wants to ensure more people get at least their first injection as soon as possible.

Notably because, Gardner said, only 4 per cent of Ontarians have gotten any vaccination so far.

Yet he is not too worried, as he says one shot is proving effective.

And many others may agree it’s a prudent policy given current national shortages.

This comes as the medical officer of health for the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) says the region remains a COVID “hot spot”  in Ontario and “ground zero” in the province for the UK variant with 658 cases — 3 per cent of them (24) in Muskoka.

And news today that SMDHU is home to the “B1” Brazilian variant, which Gardner said less is know about how contagious it is. But he’s still concerned.

He added there has been no waste of vaccine among the almost 51,000 does SMDHU has given out, unlike some other health units that have had trouble squeezing out a sixth dose out of a vial or finding a recipient to make sure every drop is used.

He said “we have a waiting list of people we can call on at a moment’s notice.”

Right now the health unit is booked to March 16 and Gardner said “we hope to book more when we get more supply.”

Monday they administered just 535 injections.

Simcoe-Muskoka will still keep its booking system in place even as the province plans to roll out it own appointment website for Monday March 15.

Gardner said the two will ultimately complement one another with pharmacies and doctors also expected to offer the vaccine through their own offices and staff scheduling services.

Dr. Charles Gardner says SMDHU will be getting the Moderna vaccine this week, the AstraZeneca vaccine next week and likely the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in April.

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