Mark Clairmont |

SIMCOE MUSKOKA — If you were born three years before the Second World War, you are among those who can now get in line for a COVID vaccination next week.

Two of the 13 clinics will open in:

  • Bracebridge at the Sportsplex

  • Huntsville at the Active Living Centre.

Times and dates to be confirmed as appointments are made and supply of vaccine is available.

A draft clinic site scheduling report Feb. 18 suggested every other day in each town, with Huntsville Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; and Bracebridge Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Those 85-year-olds who are eligible to receive their COVID-19 vaccination at community clinics opening across the region beginning the first week of March can now book their appointment online through the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) website:

Go to booking-instructions-for-family-friends-and-support.pdf (

Or Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit – eBooking (

Appointments are only available for those who are eligible, and clinics are not open for walk-ins.

Those who are eligible at this time, in keeping with the provincially identified priorities and local vaccine supply, are as follows:

  • Adults 85 years of age and older;

  • Indigenous adults 55 years and older as well as their adult household members;

  • Adult recipients of chronic home care;

  • And very high priority frontline healthcare workers (as defined in the provincial priority guideline).

Those younger and others will be able to book over the coming months.

Yesterday Ontario said it bookings online and through a call centre will start province-wide by March 15.

March 15 it begins with those 80+.; April 1 it’s 75 and up; May 1 it’s 70 and up. June 1 it’s 65 and up; July 1 its 60 and up. After that younger ages will be vaccinated.

But each health unit can set its own schedule.

Dr. Charles Gardner, the medical officer of health for SMDHU, said in a release today:  “The opening of our clinics is just the beginning. Over the months to come we will work through priority populations to provide vaccination to all adults who want it.”

He said the clinics are the result of joint work with many partner agencies including Family Health Teams, Ontario Health Teams, community hospitals, paramedic services, community pharmacists, municipalities, Indigenous partners and the Central Region of Ontario Health.

Vaccination clinics are located in 6 areas: Barrie/Innisfil, South Simcoe, North Simcoe, the Couchiching area, South Georgian Bay and Muskoka.

Not every location will run every day.

Pop-up clinics and additional locations will be added as the vaccine program rollout continues in the coming months.

As well, the health unit says mobile clinics also continue to provide immunization to those in community facility settings who need it the most and are unable to attend the fixed location clinics as well as other priority populations benefitting from outreach.


  • You can book their appointment online at the health unit’s website at or have a family member or friend book for them.
  • For those without access to a computer or internet access, appointments can be booked by calling the health unit at 1-877-721-7520.
  • Proof of eligibility is required and anyone who books appointments and is not eligible will be turned away. Please note that clinics are not open for walk ins.
  • For more information, visit or call SMDHU’s Health Connection to speak with a public health professional, weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 705-721-7520 (1-877-721-7520) or at

A copy of the health unit’s COVID-19 Vaccination Plan is now available on our website.

The health unit’s website walks you through the easy steps of booking an appointment online. They say don’t try and sign up before your age group is eligible.

There are 13 locations in six sub regions of the health unit that will be open on various days at various times to be announced.

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