Mark Clairmont |
MUSKOKA — Make no mistake — COVID’s second wave slammed into Muskoka today with the might of Teddy.
At 1 p.m., the same hour as Premier Doug Ford was in Huntsville at a Shopper’s Drug Mart to announce drug store testing for the coronavirus, at the other end of Simcoe Muskoka the health unit in Barrie posted Wednesday’s startling daily numbers:
- 10 new cases in Muskoka (of 12 in the region);
- 1 in Muskoka Lakes Township;
- 2 in Gravenhurst
- 3 in Bracebridge
- 4 in Huntsville
And two of the cases in Huntsville were of “unknown” sex, according to stats on the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit website.
All this as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau takes to the airwaves in national addresses this afternoon and evening with the federal government’s Throne Speech and plan to attack the virus that has killed more than 9,000 Canadians in six months; more than 200,000 Americans and a million people worldwide.
In Muskoka, where Spruce Glen Public School also announced last night that it is the first school in the Trillium Lakelands District School Board to have a confirmed case of COVID-19, today’s stats confirm what many feared.
- In Muskoka Lakes, a male 18-34 was identified as having it through a community outbreak.
- In Gravenhurst a male and female, aged 45-64, are under investigation for the cause by the health unit.
- In Bracebridge, three men were announced: two with close contact are aged 18-34 and 45-64. The third man is also 18-34 and under investigation.
- In Huntsville four cases are under investigation. One is a female under age 17; one is a female 18-34; and the two of unknown gender are listed as ages 18-34 and 35-44.
The only two other cases in Simcoe Muskoka today were from Innisfil — a man and woman — and bother are under investigation.

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