Elderberries Choir ‘Force of Nature’ June 2 & 3 at legion

GRAVENHURST — The Gravenhurst Elderberries Choir presents their spring concert weekend June 2 and 3 at the legion hall.

Saturday night’s show is at 7 p.m. and Sunday afternoon it’s at 2 p.m.

This year’s show is entitled ‘Elemental Elderberries: Forces of Nature.’

The well-respected community choral group has several new songs in it’s library book that you will enjoy as well as few of their standard favourites.

Louise Jardine conducts and Caroyln Grant accompanies them on the piano.

Tickets, $20, can be ordered from any Elberberries Choir member by phone or email.

Elderberries weekend concerts at the Gravenhurst legion at 2 p.m.