Health minister won’t commit to 2 hospitals; but will listen to residents

QUEEN’S PARK  — Ontario’s health minister won’t commit to two hospitals in Muskoka, but will listen to local concerns before deciding.

Helena Jaczek, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, said she will listen to local residents before making a decision.

That wasn’t the answer Norm wanted when he sought an answer in the legislature Tuesday.

He said he was “disappointed.”

During today’s Question Period, the Parry Sound-Muskoka MPP asked the minister to support two hospitals in Huntsville and Bracebridge and to ensure small and medium size hospitals get their share of any increased funding, he said in a release.

Helena Jaczek refused to commit to maintaining two fully functioning hospitals, instead talking generally about planning for hospitals across the province, said the release.

Finally in her second response she said she would listen to the recommendations from the community and municipal councils.

“The community has been very clear that they support maintaining two hospitals,” said Miller.

“I asked this question because residents aren’t confident that the Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare’s Board and Task Force have been listening. I will continue to push the Minister to listen to not just the Board of MAHC but also to the people who rely upon these two hospitals.”

Asked about the increased funding this government has announced for hospitals, he said the minister said the 4.6% increase was an average and that growing communities will receive more funding, suggesting that the need in Muskoka is not a great as elsewhere in the province.

While Muskoka’s population may not be growing at the rate of other areas, the average age is increasing as people retire to the region, creating more demand for hospital services.

“I am disappointed that the Minister was not willing to indicate her support for maintaining the two hospitals,” said Miller.

“Given her answer I encourage concerned residents to sign and send in copies of the petition.”

To get a copy of the petition visit and then click on “download petition” to print the formatted version.

Watch the video at:

APRIL 10. 2018

Mr. Norm Miller: My question is for the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care.

The minister is aware that Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare is considering the futures of Huntsville District Memorial Hospital and South Muskoka Memorial Hospital.

Just last week, MAHC’s task force released descriptions of the three models they are considering, saying they will be making a recommendation this spring. The three options they are considering are two acute sites, maintaining the existing hospitals and services; one in-patient and one out-patient site; and a one-site model.

Speaker the people of Muskoka and Almaguin have been very clear: They want their two hospitals maintained. Will the minister encourage MAHC and the task force to listen to the people who rely upon these hospitals and recommend maintaining two hospitals?

Hon. Helena Jaczek: The member opposite is obviously a well-known advocate for his community. We’ve heard from the Muskoka Algonquin CEO on a number of issues in relation to plans for the future.

I really do want to commend the way the Ontario Hospital Association has stepped up to the plate in assisting us at looking how we move forward with looking at efficiencies, centres of excellence, and yet providing care as close to home as possible. All of these pieces are very much in the mix. It’s really quite remarkable how our advisory council, chaired by the Ontario Hospital Association president, has looked at the whole spectrum of hospitals in this province, from academic health science centres, psychiatric hospitals, rehab hospitals, all the services that are provided through small hospitals, large hospitals, etc.

I’ll have more to say in the supplementary.

The Speaker (Hon. Dave Levac): Supplementary.

Mr. Norm Miller: Again to the Minister of Health.

One of the challenges facing Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare and other small and medium-sized hospitals is that their funding has not kept up with their costs. Many of these costs are not things the hospitals can control. In fact, some, like hydro costs and collective bargaining agreements, are things the province controls. The province has increased hospital costs without increasing funding to cover these costs. As a result, some hospitals have run deficits for many years.

In the lead-up to the June election, the government has been touting the 4.6% increase they are supposedly giving to Ontario’s hospitals. But MAHC received only 1.4% and West Parry Sound Health Centre has been told they will receive approximately 1%. Will the minister explain why these hospitals in my riding are not receiving the full 4.6% increase in funding?

Hon. Helena Jaczek: We made it very clear that our increase, the $822 million this year, would provide an average of 4.6% overall increase to hospitals in this province.

Clearly, in some communities, high-growth communities such as ones that I represent, the need, the increase in population, the increase in acuity is greater than in some other areas of the province. This is precisely why we consult with the Ontario Hospital Association, as well as the local health integration network as to the distribution of these funds. It’s based on evidence. It’s based on need.

In particular, in this situation, I know that my predecessor, the former Minister of Health, met with the city council and asked them to come back with a unified plan for the hospitals in the member’s riding. We look forward to that. We’re awaiting that kind of community decision to inform us and we’ll move forward in that regard.