Mark Clairmont |

MUSKOKA — Two Gravenhurst women in their 60s are the latest Muskoka residents to come down with COVID-19.

One was community-acquired and the other contracted the coronavirus through travel to an unknown destination.

That makes them the 11th and 12th victims in the latest count reported to the Simcoe Muskoka District Health as of Tuesday, April 7.

New figures will be out later today, April 8.

They are cases Nos. 90 and 98.

Both are self-isolating.

And they are in addition to Gravenhurst No. 74, another woman in her 60, who is in hospital, after travel to the U.S. She was reported by SMDHU April 6.

That’s the same day case No. 75, a Muskoka Lakes man in his 80s is also in hospital, was reported. He, too, returned from the United States.

They are among 108 cases as of this posting, with the health unit saying five have died, 14 are in hospital and 40 have recovered.

The lastest statistics from the health unit for Muskoka as of April 7.

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