BRACEBRIDGE — Fear fire winter or spring.
A cool turn doesn’t mean you can’t get burned.
With the safety of its citizens and employees in mind, the Town of Bracebridge has declared a total fire ban to go along with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s (MRNF) Restricted Fire Zone Declaration.
Bracebridge also joins the other municipalities in Muskoka that have declared a no burn order.
The MNRF put their declaration restrictions in place on April 3, as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal is to minimize the human-caused wildfires that may occur in the entire legislated fire region of Ontario and in turn decrease any interactions MNRF staff needs to have with the community.
To view the Ontario fire regions click here.
Bracebridge Fire Chief Murray Medley declared the municipal burn ban, which he said in a release Wednesday means that …
Until further notice:
NO FIRES of any kind are permitted within the Town of Bracebridge.
Only the following are permitted:
- Portable stoves must use liquid or gas fuel and have a shutoff valve.
- A charcoal barbeque can be used if they are permanent structures or portable and within 100 metres of a dwelling you occupy.
- Outdoor wood burning stoves or furnaces must be completely enclosed with solid material and be within 100 metres of a dwelling you occupy.
For further information you can review the town’s burning by-law.
These actions have been taken as precautions during this unprecedented time. It is asked that everyone please adhere to the burn ban.
Additionally, residents are asked to follow national COVID-19 directions.